Hey friends,this is the post or information about hijacking the planes***** ITS serious compliant or it is type fear about it ,for passenger in planes ***. The first recorded aircraft hijack took place on February 21, 1931 in arequpa, peru.berdon richards, flying a fort- t - motor, was approached on the ground by armed .Between 1948 and 1957, there were 15 hijackings all over the world, an average of a little more than one per annum. Between 1958 and 1967, this climbed to 48--an annual average of about five. There was an explosive increase to 38 in 1968 and 82 in 1969, the largest number in a single year in the history of civil aviation. During the third 10-year period between 1968 and 1977, there were 414 hijackings--an annual average of 41
- The use by the USA' CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA) of inspired hijackings as a weapon of destabilisation against the FRIO DEOPKESregime which had seized power in CUBA in January, 1959. The hijackers inspired or instigated by the CIA did not make any political demands as a price for releasing the aircraft and passengers. They just forced the pilot to fly to either the US naval base at Guantanamo in Cuba or to the US and sought POLITICAL SYLUM after condemning the communist regime at a press conference arranged by the CIA. The US did not return the planes to Cuba. Instead, these were ordered to be seized by US courts as compensation for the properties of US businessmen nationalised by the Castro regime.
- The retaliatory hijackings inspired or instigated by the Cuban intelligence, involving either US or non-US aircraft carrying a large number of US nationals. Like the CIA, the Cuban intelligence used these hijackings purely as a psychological weapon to have the US discredited.
- The emulation of the CIA's covert action technique by the Taiwanese intelligence in its psychological warfare against PEPOLE REPUBLIC CHINA by inspiring or instigating hijackings from the mainland to TAIVAN.
- The beginning of the extensive use of hijackings as a weapon of national liberation or ideological struggle by the various PALESTAIN ORGand ideological groups supporting the Palestinian cause such as theRED ARY of GERMANY and JAPAN RED ARMY after the THE 6 DAYS WAR OF ARAB AND ISREAIL . The targets of their hijackings were mainly Israeli nationals.
- The use of hijackings as a weapon of struggle by other political, religious or ideological organisations or political dissident groups in the rest of the world. Some of these were supported by foreign intelligence agencies such as the support of the (ISI) of Pakistan to various anti-Indian groups since 1971, while others were not.
Cockpit doors on most commercial airlines have been strengthened and are now bullet resistant. In the USA, CANADA,AUSTRELIA and FRANCE, AIR MARSHAL have also been added to some flights to deter and thwart hijackers. In addition, some have proposed remote control systems for aircraft whereby no one on board would have control over the plane's flight.AIR SECURITY plays a major role in preventing hijackers. Screening passengers with METAL DETECTOR and luggage with X RAY machines prevents weapons from being taken on to an aircraft. TheISREAL DEFENCE FORCE alone implement decompression on all luggage to check for pressure sensor detonators. Along with the FAA, theFBI also monitors terror suspects. Any person who is a threat to civil aviation is banned from flying.