Hi,friends this time i wanna fly u in air by the "artificial bird" called "parachute".This is very crazy>>>.my usually my adventures play is parachute.I want to share some thing about parachute.A parachute is a device used to slow the motion of an object through an atmosphere by creating drag Parachutes are made out of cloth, most commonly nylon. Parachutes are often used, for example, to slow the descent of an object falling to Earth or another celestical body within an air. douge parachute are also sometimes used to aid horizontalA conical parachute appears for the first time in the 1470s in an Italian manuscript, slightly preceding Leonardo da Vinci's conical parachute designs. It was intended as an escape device to allow people to jump from burning buildings, but there is no evidence that it was actually ever used. Leonardo da Vinci sketched a parachute while he was living in Milan around 1480-1483: a pyramid-shaped canopy held open by a square wooden frame.firstly,we should trained well in some campus.best way learn is should hold ur hands tiely in air whenever u fly .take a safety measure i.e as follow,pls follow it friendsA parachute is carefully folded, or "packed" to ensure that it will open reliably. If a parachute is not packed properly it can result in death because the main parachute might fail to deploy correctly or fully. In the U.S. and many developed countries, emergency and reserve parachutes are packed by "reger" who must be trained and certified according to legal standards. Sport skydivers are always trained to pack their own primary "main" parachutesthe primary safety advantage of a reserve chute comes from the probabality of an unlikely main malfunction being multiplied by the even less likely probability of a reserve malfunction. This yields an even smaller probability of a double malfunction, although the possibility of a main malfunction that cannot be cut away causing a reserve malfunction is a very real risk. In the U.S., the average fatality rate is considered to be about 1 in 80,000 jumps. Most injuries and fatalities in sport skydiving occur under a fully functional main parachute because the skydiver made an error in judgment while flying the canopy—resulting in high-speed impact with the ground, impact with a hazard on the ground that might otherwise have been avoided, or collision with another skydiver under canopy.

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- sorrorpa
- st.francison town, Canada
- Hi,..am doing my Biotech in canada,am a good and lovable person a pretty guy tooo....i am really hated by my lover.this is blog i created for her my angel.thank u friends.
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